Student Government
Student Government
Student Government President 2022-2023
Student Government Vice President 2022-2023
Student Government President 2021-2022
Student Governement
Vice President 2021-2022
october student government highlights
2022-2023 student government great steam race
Student Government Election Week: Meet the Canidates
3rd Grade Assembly 10/04/22 @ 8:00-8:15 in the auditorium
4th Grade Assembly 10/07/22 @8:00-8:15 in the auditorium
5th Grade Assembly 10/06/22 @1:50-2:10 in the auditorium
Student Government 2021-2022
Students in 2021-2022 Election Speeches
President: Jasmine Campaign Speech
Vice-President: Lendon Campaign Speech
End of Year Podcast
Makeyla, Student Government President 2022-2023
Madeline, Student Government Vice-President 2022-2023
Messages from our first Student Government 2021-2022